WASD/Arrow Keys to move,
 Enter/space to select

notice: this game is currently under development! If you notice any bugs/issues please reach out! (If you die you have to refresh the game. . .)

The Fallen Stag

Mold is a text-based 2D story game where the player navigates a web of paths and choices to save the Mushroom Kingdom and restore balance to the forest and it's own identity. Explore your relationships to different creatures, plants, and fungus, and barter with them all to expand your network, and acquire more energy.

The Zombie Ant

Mold is a game developed by Mini Mart Studios in our first ever annual game jam. The game Jam lasted from the 17th of June to the 20th.

All code, art, story, and audio assets produced in house.

The Castle

Please leave comments and let us know if you enjoy the game or find any bugs! (besides the beetles ants and worms.)

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